Course Modules
The course modules consists of self-paced online courses, allowing you to study when you’re ready and at your own pace. Our online courses consist of engaging course modules, eBooks and quick reference sheets.
This is the opening page for one of the courses in the learning management system.
Our format provides information about what the course will cover and a sleek, modern feel. And that’s just the opening page. The entirety of the course modules boasts this clean feel.
Interactivity is the engagement between a computer’s response to a user’s actions on a computer. This can help increase knowledge retention and make trainees more engaged in their learning. There are a variety of interactive features in our courses that make our courses highly engaging and smoothly transition from topic to topic. Below is a list of highlighted interactive features in our courses.
True or False: Our True or False Knowledge Checks recap module content and reinforce it.
Process Slides: Our process slides allow you to click through ideas and concepts with clean transitions and imagery.
Labeled Graphics: Our labeled infographics allow you to click through different terms on multifaceted ideas such as SMART Goals.
Fill in the blank knowledge checks: In addition to the true or false knowledge checks throughout the course, we also have fill in the blank checks to further reinforce module content.
Tabs: Our tab feature divides information making it easier to take in and differentiate.
Matching Activities: Our matching interactive feature serves as another engaging way to review training content.
Flashcards: Flashcards promote active recall and improved memory, so it’s no surprise we have incorporated them into our design.
Each module in our courses ends with a knowledge check of 10 multiple choice questions.
Research has shown that frequent testing doesn’t just measure learning, it actually promotes it. Testing improves recall, retrieving, and the ability to apply new information. This is known as “the testing effect” or “the retrieval practice effect.”
Each course also ends with a post test. Scores for posts test are recorded in the LMS.
Knowledge checks and posts tests also include rationales to recap correct answers.